7 Best Practices for SaaS Companies Seeking Organic Visibility

53.3% of all traffic on a website comes from organic search. Website traffic is the lifeblood of a business, especially as the reliance on digital interaction increases by the day.

SaaS businesses in particular need to be at the top of their game when it comes to website visibility as their entire existence is online. 

There are quite a few tips and tricks that can help you attract the right audience with targeted efforts. In this article, we take a look at the best practices for SaaS companies that seek organic visibility and meaningful connection with their audience. Read on to know more. 

7 best practices for SaaS Companies seeking organic visibility

Most SaaS companies exist entirely online, meaning it is the only place a potential customer can find them. And search engines are the primary source of information online for most people, especially when it comes to purchasing decisions.

Visibility on search engines paves the way for attracting authentic leads and growth opportunities. Here are the key reasons SaaS companies need organic visibility to stay in the game:

a) Long-term customers — Organic traffic brings people who are actively looking for solutions, giving you an opportunity to make long-term valuable customers that is the lifeblood of a SaaS business.

b) Display product information — Organic leads often land on information about your product usage and how it can help them, helping you promote product information.

c) Fight competition — Gaining organic traction on your content is an excellent way to stay afloat in the market and fight your competition.

d) Keep you growing — Organic visibility allows you to attract and engage new customers, directly aiding the subscription and growth rate of your company.

Let’s take a deeper look at some winning practices to help you attract organic traffic to your web pages and help your SaaS business grow.

  1. Don’t compromise on the quality of your content

One of the most important aspects that often becomes a blindspot for SaaS companies is the quality of their content.

It’s true that you need to have a substantial amount of content on your web pages for users to engage with them. But most companies put up cookie-cutter content to fill pages that neither cracks the Google search algorithm nor engages the users that do end up on your page.

You need content that is unique, compelling, captivating, and informative to reach the right audience and engage it. Most importantly, it should address the user’s pain points. Such content grabs the user’s attention and makes them engage with you authentically. 

You may create it yourself if you can or take outside help. Many SaaS companies rely on a B2B marketing agency to create stellar content for them. It helps them create a constant stream of content without worrying about the quality of it.

Here are a few tips to help you create captivating content:

  • Create eye-catching headlines (but not misleading) that make the user want to click on the content. For example, “5 ways to get your first sale without trying” has a better ring than “ways to sell your products”.

  • Experiment with different content types to see what sticks with your audience.

  • Incorporate video content as it makes the audience stay on your page longer.

2. Use long tail keywords with product videos

94% of keywords get less than 10 searches per month. Using the right keyword is key to attracting users but most common keywords are so crowded that your content ends up not even making it to the intended audience.

An excellent way to harness the power of keywords is by using longer keywords that are extremely specific to your content. Add product videos to the pages those keywords lead to. It allows you to capture their attention right away with the information they’re specifically looking for.

This is because people searching for “create collage with 5 pictures” are more likely to engage with a collage maker tool than people simply searching “collage”. People searching for specific things are more likely to engage with a SaaS that offers it.

Attracting users that search specific long tail keywords will get you authentic and hot leads. And product videos on the page they land on will engage them with the solutions they were looking for. 

This helps both companies and customers by giving accurate matches for a search that is performed.

3. Collaborate with others

Another proactive way to boost your visibility naturally is to collaborate with people, brands, and websites. Featuring on someone else’s page:

  • Widens your audience,

  • Improves your domain authority,

  • Boosts your credibility in Google’s eyes, and

  • Helps you build relationships with your collaborators 

It’s important to remember that you collaborate with brands and content creators that complement your brand. They should not be:

  • Direct competitors,

  • Brands unrelated to your brand, and

  • Brands that reflect poorly related to you.

This can be understood better in the following example:

Elysia battery management software is a software solution that helps improve the efficiency of batteries used in machinery, helping you enhance their security and extend their lives. The brand should look to collaborate with brands in related industries for quality visibility. 

These would be fleet management businesses, automobile brands, and manufacturing units. Demonstrating the benefits of battery management will resonate more with the audience that’s already involved with automobiles and machinery. 

There are three primary ways to collaborate with creators and brands:

a) Backlinks

A whopping 90.63% of the content on the internet gets absolutely no organic traffic from Google, and one of the main reasons for this is that it has no backlinks. Getting backlinks from authority websites will tremendously boost your SEO and bring organic traffic.

To get backlinks, first, make sure that you have linkable pages. This means that your web pages should have engaging content that provides comprehensive information.

Next, you may contact resource pages and authority websites with your proposal to include a link to your page. Businesses that complement yours are also a great fit as they bring a related audience. 

b) Guest posts

Writing guest posts for popular websites not only helps you generate views for your website but it also creates backlink opportunities that strengthen your credibility. You may look for guest post opportunities through simple Google searches for websites of your choice or directly contact them about it.

When sending a guest post, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • It should be well-written (free of grammatical errors).

  • It should adhere to the rules laid out by the site.

  • It should offer a unique perspective and valuable information for the readers. 

  • It should include necessary backlinks.

c) Influencers

Content creators and influencers on social media can promote your website by talking about you with their audience. It also brings backlinks to you while also giving you word of mouth. 

Choose creators that create content that aligns with your industry. And make sure that they’ve collaborated with your competitors in the recent past.

4. Provide free tools and resources

Providing free tools and resources to users that visit your website attracts people to your content. People will be willing to engage with you to get their hands on the free content that you’re providing. 

They’re already reaching you because they’re looking for solutions to their problems. Providing a free tool might help them with their problem, making them more likely to engage with your business.

You may provide the following items as free tools and resources:

  • eBooks

  • Guides

  • Tutorials

  • How-tos

  • Course

  • Assessments

  • Quizzes

5. Optimize your page

Simple aspects of your website such as the loading time can deter a user who organically came to you. This reverses the progress of your marketing efforts and hampers your visibility.

Make your page optimized in every way to keep the users on it for as long as possible. The longer they stay on it, the higher your page ranks on Google, boosting your visibility. 

To optimize your website, focus on the following aspects of it:

  • Make the URLs of the web pages clean and easy to type.

  • Create unique and SEO-friendly page titles and descriptions.

  • Provide descriptions for images to ensure easy crawling.

  • Use internal links throughout your content.

  • Try to decrease the load time as much as possible.

6. Keep your pages updated

You may create a stellar website, but it will fail to attract new users if it’s not updated with new information regularly. Users may reach your website on their own — demonstrating that your efforts toward organic visibility are indeed working. 

But if they find outdated information or content that doesn’t look fresh, they will not stay for long, hampering your visitor engagement. This means that you’d be getting hits on your website but less time spent on it.

To combat this issue, make sure to not just update your website, but also let the visitors know they’re viewing fresh information.

You may do this by adding a social media feed that updates automatically. Or keep a dedicated space for seasonal offers. Keep adding new content and display it on the home page. It lets the viewer know they’re viewing relevant and topical information.

7. Stay ahead of trends

Lastly, keep a look out for the newer trends in your industry to capitalize on them on your website. Users would be more likely to click on a search result that refers to a trend as it tells them the company is topical.

Data analytics play a crucial role in helping you identify opportunities in the near future. They reveal the type of content users are currently engaging in, helping you predict future engagement trends with good accuracy.

Include content on your website that is topical. It gives you the dual benefits of ensuring users that your website is updated (as mentioned in the previous point) while also engaging users who may only be searching about the trendy topic.

They might have no relation to your brand. But by reaching your website through their search about the trendy topic, you stand a chance to engage them as well. However, remember to not overdo this as such content can also get obsolete quickly. And only pick topics that relate to your brand.

Take a look at what your competitors are doing on their website that engages users and brainstorm on how you can emulate in better ways. It helps you create content that is relevant and has the potential to engage your competitor’s user base.

Create stunning content with exceptional functionality to gain organic visibility 

SaaS companies have an uphill battle for organic visibility with the cutthroat competition they face. The only way to get organic traffic is to create a stunning website that offers stellar content.

Make your content truly unique with a variety, insight, and valuable information. Share your content through backlinks from authority websites. Use specific long-tail keywords to attract authentic leads. And optimize your website to make sure a user’s stay on it is valuable to them.

Let us know in the comments how you think SaaS companies can increase their organic traffic.


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