Zero trust and the unified identity is the future of cyber security

Zero trust is a comprehensive cyber security system that has the objective of continuously protect your organization, identities, users and customers through analysis and adaptation that never ceases. By extensively verifying users, identities and accounts, zero trust combats all potential cyber risks.

The challenge of zero trust, without a doubt, is the implementation of such a comprehensive and flexible system. Not many organization consider this solution as a viable solution mainly because the implementation is very complex.

This article dives deeper into zero trust principles and how to implement it in practice.

What is Zero Trust security?

Zero Trust security is a security approach that, by default, does not trust anything within or outside of an organization's network. Instead, it considers that every access request, user, device, and application is potentially compromised and must be checked before any resources are granted access.

Zero Trust security approaches security in a comprehensive and holistic manner, including all components of an organization's infrastructure, including data, applications, networks, and endpoints. It seeks to reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources.

The key principles of zero trust cyber security

Zero Trust security relies on numerous essential principles to do this, including:

    1. Identity verification: Before gaining access to any resources, all users and devices must be verified and permitted.

    2. Least privilege access: Users and devices should only be provided access to the resources they require to execute their tasks. This principle is commonly referred to as the principle of least privilege, and it is associated to the privileged access management solution.
3. Network segmentation: To avoid lateral migration of threats, network resources should be divided and segregated.

    4. Constant monitoring: To detect and respond to possible threats, every activity should be observed and evaluated in real time.

    5. Multi-factor authentication: To access sensitive resources, users should be forced to utilize more than one form of authentication, such as a password and a biometric factor.

Overall, Zero Trust security is a more complete and effective approach to security since it acknowledges that threats can originate both within and outside of an organization and necessitates a constant verification procedure to assure the security of all resources.

How Unified Identity security platform is zero trust in practice

By offering a single system for managing and safeguarding identities and access to resources, a unified identity platform may assist reflect Zero Trust security.

All users, devices, and apps must be continually validated and approved before they are provided access to any resources under a Zero Trust security architecture. A single identity platform, which enforces identity and access restrictions across all resources, regardless of location or kind, may enable this continuous verification.

A unified identity platform ought to encompass multiple identity and access management solutions. This is the ultimate destination of total cyber security protection systems.

A unified identity management platform, for example, can provide a single source of truth for all user identities, allowing uniform access controls to be enforced across all apps and resources. It may also implement multi-factor authentication and risk-based access restrictions to guarantee that only authorized people and devices have access to the system.

A single identity platform may also show all access attempts, even those initiated by privileged users or apps. It can also identify and respond in real-time to any abnormalities or threats, such as strange login habits or suspicious access attempts, in order to prevent illegal access and limit the risk of data breaches.

A unified identity platform may assist businesses in implementing Zero Trust security principles and ensuring that only authorized individuals and devices have access to sensitive resources by offering a consistent and comprehensive approach to managing identities and access.


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