The Latest FinTech Innovations For Millennials

The Latest FinTech Millennial Innovations At Finovate
“We’re from Reno, Nevada - we love games like this”
Max Haynes, CEO, PaySwag
PaySwag and other gamified, incentivized FinTech products targeting millennials launched at Finovate 2015 held this week in New York City - one of the largest FinTech conferences in the world. PaySwag engages customers to make the payment experience “educational, rewarding, fun” and particularly targets people with “ attention deficit disorder,” a description often applied to millennials. Just for keeping a payment plan, users can win Starbucks lattes, Amazon giftcards and Redbox rentals. is already a partner.
New Kapitall Holdings, also launched a mobile app, KapitallM targeting millenials that is based o the global success of Prize-Linked Savings Accounts or PLSAs. PLSA gives cash and prizes based on how much money is saved; yet ads a twist with incentives to pay down student loans and test personal finance knowledge. “Play with my assets” was their tagline.
Finally, Hedgeable NEXT by Hedgeable, the first private banking platform for millennials, won “best of show” in the conference. The private banking platform provides millennials access to risk managed portfolios for any account type, “socially responsible” alternative asset classes and a member benefits reward program. Their tagline “get hedged,” give away hedgehogs and launch party at a New York City hotspot next week exemplifies Millennial engagement. Both New Kapitall Holdings and Hedgeable are based in New York City.
By Emily Hunt