How Data Migration Can Positively Transform Your Business

Business data is scattered across a range of different systems, but it’s much more valuable and beneficial when it’s stored in a single location. Data that’s stored together provides you with a full overview of your business, enabling you to use it more effectively to make informed business decisions and deliver a better service to your customers.Data plays a core role in building resilience as a business and thriving when faced with change and adversity - when changes occur, you need to know what’s happening at that exact moment and gain insight on how best to respond. Data enables you to do that more effectively and with stability. But having security and accessibility is essential. No matter what size your business is or the stage your organisation is at, data migration presents significant opportunities to integrate your systems into a more agile and effective infrastructure.

Greater agility

One of the biggest benefits of data migration is that it provides enhanced agility for your business. Technologies change and are constantly evolving, so you want to be able to move between different platforms and applications as your business grows and your demands change. Without the agility provided by cloud software, taking your essential data with you when you move between platforms can be time-consuming and challenging. Cloud software enables you to scale up or down with ease, providing you with more flexibility for the unpredictability of running a business.

Free up employee time

Upgrading your systems is a natural evolution for many businesses and it can free up time for your staff to work on other projects, allowing them to focus on bigger priorities simply through the efficiency that upgraded systems deliver. There are different types of data migration, which influences how much time your staff will benefit from, and considerations to make before choosing the right migration for your business.Storage migration, for example, is the process of moving data into modern arrays so that other systems are able to access it more easily, for faster performance levels. Cloud migration, one of the most popular types, involves moving data and other business elements into cloud software, and this may include storage migration as well. Finally, application migration requires moving an application from one environment to another. However, whichever migration your business chooses, increased productivity and easier collaboration is a huge advantage.

Improved operational efficiency

Data migration provides the opportunity for your business to benefit from a centralised environment and simplified management of your data, with better reliability, greater performance and fewer incidents. For start-ups, in particular, maintaining your reputation is key, which migrating your data to a secure cloud environment can deliver. Your team will spend less time troubleshooting and will have more time to work on more important tasks as a result.

Easier compliance

As a business, you have a responsibility to ensure that any data you hold is secure and that your processes for protecting that data adhere to regulatory compliance. Multi-layered security measures and intelligent threat protection will provide your data with the appropriate defences against threats and cyber attacks. But it also ensures that the data is accessible for deletion in accordance with data regulations and GDPR compliance.

Power of data analytics

Data migration gives businesses a major push, especially for those in the early stages of establishing themselves in the market. One of the primary reasons for migrating to upgraded software is the ability to utilise analytics and, in the case of cloud software, access data from any location, regardless of the devices being used. This information is immensely powerful for making decisions, steering the business in the right directions by basing projects, services and products on informed customer demand and trends.

Easier restructuring

Businesses can restructure more easily if their data is accessible, transferable and secure. Cloud software gives organisations the option of integrating with other platforms and applications for better insight and management tools that will enhance the business as a whole. For start-ups, in particular, who may still be ironing out the details and direction they want to take, this level of flexibility is a great advantage.

In summary

The days of having your business data stored on a single server are long gone. Today, the digital landscape has changed and data migration is more important than ever. The beauty of modern systems and infrastructures is that they are designed to support modern ways of working, be it flexibly, remotely and from a range of devices. Not only does data migration, using specialised tools and teams, allow for enhanced productivity and performance but it also provides security, accessibility and efficiency.


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