Finding The Best Tech Stack For Mobile App Developing

What makes a mobile app successful is when it has the right technology stack during development. The right mobile stack not only gives you a good software solution but can also save you from spending thousands of dollars on development costs, along with any other time-consuming issues that can delay the launch.With many tech stacks out there, you’ll need one that can benefit you the most. Consider the following:

  • Native App Development: iOS Tech Stack – “When developing an iOS app, you can use either Objective-C or Swift,” says Gabriella Veitch, a web developer at Australia 2 write and Writemyx. “Objective-C is proficient in the C programming language and offers object-oriented abilities along with an effective runtime. Whereas, Swift provides functional codes that make it less vulnerable to errors.”
  • Native App Development: Android Tech Stack – For Android apps, go with either Java or Kotlin. Whereas Java has various open-source tools and libraries, Kotlin focuses more on simplicity by offering steady options.As for your toolkit, go with either Android Studio or Android Developer Tools. Android Studio offers debugging, code editing, performance tooling, and etc. Whereas Android Developer Tools all of those same features, but also lets developers use different on-device debugging tools to their advantage.
  • Cross-Platform App Development Tech Stack – React Native is ideal for Java developers creating mobile apps with a natural look and feel. Using the same basic UI building blocks as regular Android and iOS apps, it also adds an innovative and functioning outlook to building user interfaces.
  • Hybrid App Development Tech Stack – Apache Cordova is ideal for Java developers looking to start a hybrid app development project to operate JavaScript/HTML-based apps on different mobile devices. The best is that developers don’t have to solely rely on CSS and HTML to build the user interface when they have PhoneGap to offer support for various frameworks and libraries.

Here are five tips to consider when using the right tech stack:

  1. Simplicity Matters
  2. With smartphones available for kids and adults, you’ll need to cater to both with your app. Therefore, just like the smartphone itself – no matter the brand – your app needs to be simple. Not only will a simple app help you gain more users, but it will also have your existing users come back for more.

  3. Make Your App ASO & SEO Friendly
  4. With things like application optimization (ASO) and search engine optimization (SEO) promising more visibility for newer mobile apps, it’s important to have your app be recognized by the ever-changing algorithms of the Internet. Therefore, your app needs to be able to support both ASO and SEO, so that more users can find and download it.

  5. Have The Right People
  6. At the end of the day, you and your development team are responsible for putting out a good app. Therefore, it’s imperative for you to have the right people helping you develop the app.For your team, you’ll need people who have an extensive background in mobile app development, as well as people who have experience working with iOS and Android.

  7. Always Test Your App
  8. “It doesn’t hurt to test your app before launch to check for problems,” says Kai Boyle, a tech writer at Brit student and Next coursework. “Just because you spend countless hours on developing the app doesn’t mean that you skip testing it. In fact, it’s never a good idea for skipping testing, or else you’ll risk having users see the problems when they try to use it. If users see problems before you do, then they’ll uninstall.”So, what can you do to test your app properly?“Running your app through various device simulators can help you iron out the bugs,” adds Boyle. “As you do so, your app will become launch-ready, thus improving the user experience.”

  9. Check For Updates
  10. Every app has (and should have) an update on occasion. Sometimes, an update may involve a drastic change in landscape, or it could be just debugging the app. However, your app must meet all the requirements for an update, or risk becoming an issue.So, by staying up-to-date, you can prevent issues from springing up when trying to update your app.

ConclusionWith many tech stacks out there, it’s important to use the right one for your app. Be sure to look at the different programs that they use. Also, refer to the seven tips on how to make the most out of the mobile-app developing stage.We hope that these tips and suggestions can help you not only carry a robust plan for your app but also aid you towards successful mobile application development.Michael Dehoyos is a writer for Thesis Writing Service and Write My Thesis. He also contributes to numerous publications like Origin Writings. As a content marketer, he helps companies improve their marketing strategies.


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