Before You Go On Your Valentine's Date, Read This

Clean, cut, and precise: These three words best described me as I eyed myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked good, especially considering the fact that I was about to appear in front of a large audience.It’s the Harvard Business Association’s 30-second pitch competition. Guess who’s the emcee? The judges for the night were business experts and image consultants; after entrepreneurs give their 30-second pitch, the business experts judge the pitch’s content, while the image specialists critique the entrepreneur’s dress, style, and overall professional image.As the official Master of Ceremonies for the massive event, I was ready to get the crowd rallied up. A quick wink at myself in the mirror and I was out the bathroom door, ready to go. I was certain that the judges - and particularly the image specialists - would be in awe of my outfit. Little did I know that I would be utterly wrong.After the competition, I had waltzed up to the lead image specialist for her opinion.“Do you really want to know how you look?” one of the judges asked. She met my question with raised eyebrows and pursed lips, and within three or four sentences, she very politely told me I could do a lot better.She pointed out the specific colors that didn’t match my skin tone as well as the fact that the way I was wearing them didn’t match my professional image.My colors were working against me and I didn’t even know it.My confidence dropped to the floor, but her smile kept me alive. She gently put her hand on my shoulder and said, “If you want some help to figure out how to do it right, call me.” After handing me her card, she gave her attention to the line of entrepreneurs waiting to talk with her.From there, I would undergo an entire image makeover with her help. We set up a “Color Consulting” session the next day. Per her instructions, I brought all of my dress shirts, suits, and shoes for her inspection and comments.First, she had me take a lengthy assessment form that asked all kinds of questions, ranging from my passions to perceptions. Then, with a surgical precision, she placed different pieces of colored cloth around my neck as I looked at myself in the mirror. She would then remove them to reveal other colors in dramatic form.Some colors would suck the life out of my face, and other colors made my face look bright. I honestly wouldn’t have believed it unless I saw it myself. I am now aware that certain colors work with my skin tone and certain colors do not.She later inspected the 25 dress shirts I had brought. After a closer look at them, she pointed her finger and tapped one of the shirts. She told me to donate all of them except that one shirt.What? I thought. My entire collection!When it came to my suits, she informed me that three out of the four were better suited for Goodwill.This was a major shot to my pride, especially since I’ve been compiling that collection for years; regardless, it was the awakening that I needed to understand that I shouldn’t wear certain colors.As a result of the clothing and color consultation, I received a color palate that contained a sample spread of all the colors that I should be wearing. As I have built up my new wardrobe, using it as my North Star, shopping has been easy. I literally won’t buy anything, from a suit to a bathing suit, that is not an exact match to one of the colors on my little fan.Whether in front of a crowd of hundreds of people, or out on a Valentine's date, don’t underestimate the importance of what your colors are saying about you.I’ve also learned that there are seven personal brand styles, and it is important that you understand the look or combination of looks that you want to portray in the world. The looks are as follows: Sporty, Traditional, Elegant, Romantic, Sexy, Creative and Dramatic. Find out which ones you like, then shop and dress accordingly.The color process is based on skin tone, natural hair color and eye color . . .The key to the colors is definitely to make you physically look your best and also:1. Brings people into your communication zone – your face2. Ensures the color does not distract from “YOU” or take over – which drains your color3. Ensures you do not become “invisible”It took me close to 35 years, and I wish I would have met with my new image consultant years ago. Whatever you do, respect the color palette. Understand that not all colors are equal. Some colors compliment you, and others do not. The faster the you know which colors are which, the better you can build your wardrobe and avoid the mistakes that I did of building a closet full of clothes that looked terrible on me.Before you decide your outfit for Valentines Day, make sure that you wear the right colors.If you were like me and had no idea what your colors are, give yourself the gift of a color consultation to discover your look and your colors. There are many resources online as well as professionals who can help you through the process.Ever since I’ve been conscious of my colors, I’ve received numerous amounts of compliments on how I look and how I dress. They come in almost daily, and it feels great! I’m not saying this to make myself feel good, I’m telling you this to let you know that it really makes a difference in other people’s eyes when they see colors that actually work on you. They’ll be more willing to listen and approach a well-dressed, appealing person rather than someone who looks like the life got sucked out of them.As an entrepreneur, think of every day like it is Valentine’s Day, courting investors and new customers. Just make sure that you don’t let what you are wearing work against you.To get advice from the image consultant that helped save my life, check out


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