Why Application Modernization Is Worthwhile

Technology evolves rapidly and companies that cannot keep up with the pace of innovation will fall behind their competition and miss tons of opportunities. Application modernization ensures companies benefit from the latest technology and software available, making their operations faster and more efficient. In some cases, an application modernization exercise can increase business revenue by increasing their capacity to take on more customers.

What is Application Modernization?

This is the process of modernizing a company’s legacy applications and platforms to add new features, make them more efficient, and ensure they can be integrated with third-party software. Application modernization services are offered by third-party companies like Computer Task Group (CTG) that assess a business’s systems and identify the parts of it that need upgrading.

Benefits of App Modernization

This process has many benefits including reducing the time needed to push new products to market, increasing productivity, and reducing a company’s IT-related expenses. A major part of the modernization process is cloud migration, which involves moving a large chunk of an organization's systems to a cloud platform. This exercise will enhance collaboration between employees and reduce the cost of running and maintaining on-site data centers.

App modernization also allows businesses to scale more easily, so they can grow and increase their customer base. The high efficiency of modernized systems will empower companies to serve more customers quickly, which can increase their satisfaction and make them loyal to the brand.

Modernized applications can also connect to databases and other third-party applications via API. This promotes innovation, supports app integration, and gives companies access to data that they can use to make informed business decisions.

What Does the Application Modernization Process Involve?

Application modernization services are provided by third-party companies with expertise in this area. Here are some of the steps they follow while providing their services:

  1. Assess the current IT infrastructure

The service providers will assess the state of the existing IT infrastructure in the company in focus. This includes an audit of the hardware devices and software programs in the organization, identification of software integration issues, detection of app incompatibilities, and spotting of outdated features.

The result of the assessment gives the service providers a starting point for the modernization exercise and helps them set their priorities right. They will also speak to people in different departments to get feedback on the legacy systems and hear the kind of upgrades that will make them more productive. 

2. Create an app modernization plan

With the information obtained from the assessment report and discussions with employees, the service providers will create a detailed plan to modernize the applications. This includes defining the objectives of the exercise, setting a budget, prioritizing tasks, allocating resources, and outlining a timeline for the project's completion.

3. Use KPIs to measure success

The service providers will establish the key performance indicators that they will use to determine success in the application modernization exercise. These KPIs will help them stay on track and finish the project when due.


Application modernization gives businesses a competitive advantage by upgrading their legacy systems to the latest in their industry. This will increase efficiency and productivity, add new features, improve software integration, and provide many other benefits. To get these benefits, a company has to invite an app modernization service provider to assess their systems to determine the kind of upgrades they need.


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