How Students Can Get Started With Drones

Throughout the past few years, we’ve seen drone technology develop at a rapid pace. Today, this technology is already becoming a much more common part of our lives. However, while it has already found a broad application as a powerful photography tool or just a fun toy, there is much more potential in this technology than it can seem at first glance.

How Can Flying Drones Benefit Students?

The conventional educational system is well-understood and time-tested. However, in the 21st century, it must undergo certain changes to make students even more future-ready than before. This could surprise you, but drones can be a part of this change.

There are many reasons to turn to a trusted write my papers service and delegate conventional college tasks to pros and start learning drones instead. Here are some of the biggest benefits that this technology can offer to students:

  • Improved motor skills;

  • Enhanced hand-eye coordination;

  • A better understanding of the basic concepts of physics through a fun process;

  • A better future-readiness due to the fast-spreading application of this technology;

  • Improved learning of basic coding, aviation, electronics, etc.

In the same vein, when students are overwhelmed with equations and formulas, EssayPro does my math homework, providing the needed assistance and freeing up time for drone technology studies.

6 Ways for Students to Get Started With Drones

As you already know, this technology can offer quite a few benefits. Starting from early education and all the way to college - learning to fly drones can help students hone their skills, gain a better understanding of complex subjects, and simply become readier for the future.

But how can you get started with this technology? Below, you will find a step-by-step guide that will help you get on the right track:

Study the Civil Aviation and Safety Authority (CASA) Regulations

CASA is a set of regulations and rules that control the safety of air navigation. Most often, these regulations are used by civil pilots. However, though many beginners don’t realize this, being a pilot of a drone also requires knowing and complying with CASA.

The set of rules is pretty extensive. Some of the most crucial ones state that drones can’t fly:

  • Outside the operator’s sight line;

  • Closer than 30 m to people;

  • Above populated areas, etc.

Before you get started, be sure to get familiar with all the safety rules and ensure that you understand them well.

Take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)

The TRUST examination is a formal procedure required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for all operators. It’s also a security measure, so you shouldn’t neglect it.

To pass the test, you need to take free online training with a professional UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) coach. After the training, you can take an exam and receive an official certification that would let you fly your drone safely and legally.

Pick a Safe Flying Area

The choice of a safe flying area is another formality that you must take care of. To make it simple, go to the National Aviation Authority App or website. From there, select your preferred area to see whether you can use your UAV there or if the area requires additional authorizations.

Pro tip: Currently, there is no FAA law that would prohibit flying drones near schools and colleges. So, if you want to practice it on campus, it shouldn’t be a problem. However, it’s recommended to talk with the school’s authorities first and obtain formal permission.

Choose the Right Drone

Finally, when all formalities are handled, it’s time to purchase your UAV. And just like in the case of any other technology, the buying process requires utmost attention.

When selecting your UAV, be sure to consider the following key factors:

  • Type of drone (e.g., racing, professional, etc.);

  • Flying time;

  • Battery capacity;

  • Flight range;

  • Cameras availability and quality;

  • GPS availability;

  • Speed.

Approach the choice seriously to pick a product that suits your needs and expectations best. We also recommend checking out detailed buying guides and customer reviews to make the best choice.

Find Helpful Educational Resources

When you are all set, it’s time to start flying your UAV. In many cases, you should be able to learn how to operate a drone on your own. However, this process might take quite a while. And don’t get surprised when you realize that it’s not all as easy as you expected. So, if you want to feel the progress faster, consider leveraging different educational resources.

Start from the web. There are plenty of how-tos and pilot guidelines that can help you understand the basics, such as controls. However, don’t stop there.

In order to make the most out of your learning, don’t hesitate to join different online and offline training, courses, certifications, or clubs. All these resources should help you get started without a hassle and learn how to operate your UAV like a pro in the shortest time.


If you want to turn this hobby into something greater, remember that regular practice is the only thing that will give you enough skill and knowledge. So, don’t hesitate to delegate more time to practice piloting whenever you can. You can even enlist the help of the best dissertation writing service to ensure that you keep up with the hefty academic load without spending much time on it. In fact, before choosing a service, doing a quick essaypro review could help you find the best match for your academic needs, thereby ensuring that your focus remains on enhancing your drone operator skills. And use the free time you obtain to take your drone operator’s skills to the next level.

The Bottom Line

These days, drones are nearly everywhere. They are used by amateurs and professionals for many purposes - from just a fun hobby to delivery or professional photoshoots. So, one way or another, learning how to operate a UAV can be a good skill to acquire.

After reading this article, you already know that learning about UAVs can bring you plenty of benefits, and it can be a big competitive advantage in your future. Now, you have a step-by-step guide that will help you prepare for operating a drone and get started with it. Use this knowledge to give it a try, and possibly, you will obtain a new hobby that’s not only fun but also quite beneficial!


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