You're My Inspiration -- The Last Words She Spoke to Her Father

Throughout life, people find motivation from a number of sources. Some had hardships during their youth and may have even skipped meals because of their parents’ financial struggles. Others had everything they’d ever dreamed of, but wanted to prove they could do more than their parents believed they were capable of.Sophia Parsa, however, was loved deeply by her family. So much so that her father was her inspiration: The man she looked up to each day of her life. The man whose footsteps she followed because of the impact he made on the world.This was a man who invented many things throughout his life and was highly respected in his social circles. But as times changed, his health began to fail. He stayed in the hospital for months until it was his time to pass.Sophia is the founder of toot, a mobile app that connects students to tutors in their area to learn anything they want.I asked Sophia what made her decide to become an entrepreneur.She shared with me the last letter she wrote to her father. It explained everything that motivated Sophia to become the woman she is today, as well as why she started her business and what she wants to do with her life in the future.Sophia wanted her father to read the letter, but he was too sick. So she read it to him, and when she was finished he smiled with joy. The next day, he passed away.These were the last words he ever heard:I think there's one thing all entrepreneurs can agree on. The fact is that our inspiration starts where our hearts are. My heart happens to be at home. Like most, I am inspired by those who were able to make something from nothing. But it is clear that every one of those people had a defining moment in their life or a person who guided them to their success.History's greatest leaders were great because environments created by their family, friends, and loved ones nurtured them to success.Growing up, I had the privilege of watching the greatest entrepreneur and man I've known, my father. I am often asked if I believe I was born an entrepreneur. I absolutely was not. I was raised an entrepreneur. My father always taught me that if I wanted to live life to the fullest, entrepreneurship would be my best avenue.Starting a company was my most exciting and terrifying experience. As a 24 year old female entrepreneur, I've heard every horror story out there. What's to say I'm a different case?My father had a different take on that question. "There is nothing you can't do" he'd say.Anytime I'd second guess myself for just one minute, he'd prove me wrong. He's right, but I've only recently realized that many of my successes in life are thanks to his unconditional love and support.Some time ago, I remember reading a Forbes article on a plane ride over to CES in Las Vegas with my dad. I specifically remember seeing a few friends in this particular article. My dad noticed I seemed a bit bothered. He asked what was wrong and I started ranting about feeling like I wasn't doing anything that had purpose in the world.I can remember his words so clearly, "Sophia, what are your ideas? Do you have anything worth discussing?"That was when toot was born.My dad helped me realize that one experience I had in college when my tutors wife went into labor the night before my final. That was the moment that could potentially change my career path and happiness in the workplace.It changed my career path so much that he encouraged me to stop working on my first company in order to start my second. To ensure my success, my father introduced me to my talented and supportive co-founder who I can confidently say is the reason why my idea came to life. From that moment on, nothing could stop me.I had made my decision and most importantly, I had the necessary support of my mentor dad. Now I realize that not everyone is fortunate enough to get this kind of support from a parent, but I do believe that there are people in life that can help them make educated decisions. Find that person for you and watch the significant impact a mentor can make in your life.Thanks dad.Today, Sophia is still making a difference in the lives of students who need help with their papers, exams, and finals. She continues to live the life her father set her forward to achieve.In my heart, I know that Sophia will be a major success and will create a major impact on the world.Why?Because she was driven and inspired by a man who guided her: her father.Who was/is your inspiration? Did they help inspire you to start your business? Please share your comments.


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