Ideas Don’t Matter, It’s What You Do With the Ideas that Matters

I have the best idea. An underwater drone to help people anchor their boats more efficiently!Wait, I have another idea. An underwater kite attached to an anchor so it glides forward, creating more scope.If you’re anything like me, you come up with ideas all the time. Every day, as a result of running into a multitude of problems, I come up with more ideas. Ideas are great, and they’re fun to create, but at the end of the day, they do not matter.It’s the action you take with those ideas that matters. Many people have thought of famous inventions before the known inventor, but the individual who takes the idea and moves forward with it ends up as the one who finds out if it works.The process of coming up with new ideas intimidates some people, but it’s the easiest part. Taking these ideas and trying to do something with them, well that’s the real challenge. The person who takes on this challenge and pushes forward at a breakneck pace, without the fear of failure, eventually gets his or her idea out into the world and makes a difference.A lot of times, initial ideas change significantly before they become the final result. So take your initial ideas and move forward with them in order to discover new iterations and thus develop an even better solution.Don’t be the entrepreneur that comes up with a great idea that somebody else goes and patents. Learn about intellectual property, things to do and things to avoid, so when it comes to disclosing your new bright ideas, you’re in the clear. Understand ways to monetize ideas if you’re able to protect the intellectual property.Nobody said this process was easy. But if it were easy, then everyone would be doing it.Ideas don’t matter. It’s what you do with the ideas that matters.#ideas


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