How to Get the Greatest ROI from Your Promotional Products
No matter what the event, companies always come armed with branded promotional products hoping to leave impressions on the hundreds or thousands of people who come through their booth. Be it tradeshows, networking events, or conventions, the concept stays the same. We know that giving out promotional products can increase your brand awareness and be a valuable asset to your marketing, but how can businesses take advantage of the this tool to their greatest advantage?Make attendees want your promo productsThe point of giving out free swag at events is to draw the consumer’s attention and to make them remember you. If an attendee already has 10 free pens from other companies, they most likely won’t make a huge effort to get your pen and if they do, you aren’t going to stand out.Don’t keep your freebies hiddenMake sure attendees know what is being given away. Often times, swag will be so well branded that it will blend into your tradeshow display. This can make attendees unsure of what the freebie is. They may see your cool swag, however, may not stop by if they don’t think it is a giveaway. Make it obvious to bring people to your booth without confusion.Choose travel-friendly swagAttendees are often traveling to an event, so keep this in mind when choosing your swag. Consider what would fit best in a purse, briefcase, or even suitcase, if applicable. Think about airline carry-on restrictions, as well as certain types of food that can go bad or melt. If you give out travel-friendly items, your swag is more likely to make it home with the connections you made.Make it reciprocalUse your marketing to make a real connection. Your swag can get in the hands of just anybody and everybody or you can leverage your swag in order to get what you really want from attendees. Ask yourself some questions. Do you want more leads? Then, have your booth visitors fill out a quick contact form before giving them a product. Do you want to increase your online presence? Then, give them a product for a ‘like’ on social media. These actions will make these potential customers value your swag more and feel more connected to your brand.Follow upExtend your event swag reach. For example--if you’ve collected email addresses in exchange for a promotional product, email them right away and incorporate the swag somehow. For example, if you gave them a USB drive, send follow up emails including photos from the trade show and suggest they save their favorites to the USB drive. That way, even if the item itself was left behind, you can still make an impression by giving them a reminder of who you are and how you were connected. This will make it easier for them to remember who you are, what your brand is and to make a conversation, which hopefully will lead to converting this lead to a customer.What are you waiting for? Go get promotional products for your brand with the greatest ROI now!As a TechDay exhibitor you can get an exclusive discount on your order! Head to and use the code or mention TechDay17.