How Technology is Helping to Deal with Migraine Relief

Migraine is a condition characterized by extreme, throbbing pain in the head often accompanied by nausea and hypersensitivity to light. Migraine attacks severely affect the productivity and quality of life of sufferers, as one episode can last from four hours to three days. It can sometimes be so severe and debilitating that normal activities have to be suspended.
Opioids are the commonly prescribed drug for migraine relief. However, its routine use can actually lead to bigger problems, such as dependency and even worse headaches that may jump from episodic to chronic.
Luckily, there have been great leaps and bounds in the technology of migraine treatment over the past few years. From wearable gadgets, smartphone-controlled devices, to CBD, the new solutions to an age-old problem show promise of ending the cycle of agony once and for all.
Here are nine breakthroughs in migraine relief technology.

Occipital Nerve Stimulation

Occipital Nerve Stimulation (ONS) is a form of neuromodulation therapy – a treatment that directly changes or modulates nerve activity – that delivers amazing results to sufferers of migraine.ONS is aimed specifically at treating pain in the face and head, and involves a device composed of an electrode and a pulse generator that is implanted under the skin where the greater and lesser occipital nerves run through.


New and exciting research suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) is very effective in the treatment of migraines. A growing number of studies point to the potential of CBD as a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory for many conditions, including migraine.This development in migraine relief technology is potentially groundbreaking for its promise of non-invasive, affordable, and accessible relief as compared to higher-priced devices and therapies. CBD oil for migraines may be administered topically, or ingested through vaping.If you are looking for migraine relief that is natural and effective and focuses on overall well-being as opposed to just dulling the pain with prescribed or over-the-counter drugs which may have harmful side effects, CBD Oil may be the right choice.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a migraine relief technology that uses electrodes placed on the surface of the skin.The electrodes deliver low voltage electrical currents to nerves or trigger points where the pain is most acute. The electrical impulses stimulate the nerve cells and modify the perception of pain, thereby giving relief.

Vestibular Nerve Modulation

One type of migraine for which drug treatment rarely works is vestibular migraine. It can occur without headache and is characterized by vertigo, or dizziness and an abnormal feeling of movement.This non-invasive migraine relief technology consists of a hand-held device that is placed on the back of the neck which delivers electrical impulses to the vagus nerve during a vestibular migraine attack. The impulses soothes the centers in the brain responsible for the attacks.

Wearable Electropulse Treatment

Recently approved by the FDA, the latest migraine relief technology called Nerivio Migra is a device worn on the upper arm for 30 – 45 minutes. The armband connects to your smartphone to deliver electric pulses to relieve migraine pain.The pulses are controlled by an app, giving wearers up to two days of relief after treatment. The electro pulses work to stimulate nerves into “turning off” migraine pain.

Single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) is a new migraine relief technology – a therapy that uses a non-invasive device placed against the back of the head to deliver a magnetic pulse to the brain of migraine sufferers.In studies, daily use of the SpringTMS device by eNeura Inc. improved the condition of users by reducing the number of days with symptoms by almost a third.

Automated Variable Pressure Insufflation

By altering the pressure within the ear, a migraine relief technology from Nocira delivers relief through earpieces resembling audio earbuds that feed precise and gentle air pressure into the ear canal via thin tubes connected to a small pump.The air supply connects via Bluetooth to a mobile phone app where pressures can be customized according to need. One of its main advantages is ease of use, as treatment can be done anytime and anywhere.


With the advances in research coming in leaps and bounds, migraine relief technology is only going to develop more and more. Hopefully, there will come a day when migraine and its causes will be fully understood, so that it can finally be struck off the list of conditions that hinder people from living life to the fullest.


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