Hackers are After Small Businesses: Cybersecurity Can No Longer Be Ignored

According to a study by the University of Maryland, , there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds. While large organizations could be attractive to cybercriminals, they have learned by now that getting around their security measures could be quite a challenge.But there is always an alternative – a small and unsuspecting business that may not be as knowledgeable about cyber security. As a result, we have seen an increase in cyberattacks on small businesses in the last few years. And sadly, some of those organizations were shut down because of them.Let’s explore the topic of cybersecurity and learn how to protect your small business today:

Small businesses and cybersecurity

The popularity of the internet has enabled small businesses to have an online presence. Running a website or an online shop used to be optional just a decade ago. Today, a business needs to be digitalized. Unfortunately, some organizations just want to offer these services to the customers, completely ignoring the cybersecurity measures.Hackers are always trying to exploit system vulnerabilities. They often look for outdated software, but phishing and malware are high on the list too. You are wrong if you think nobodywould be interested in hacking your small business. You might not be running a business empire, but you still have something cybercriminals are after – personal information. Once they get access to it, hackers might ask for a ransom. If a business doesn’t deliver them the money, the data will end up on the dark web. Small businesses usually give hackers the money, but the financial loss might destroy a company. Not to forget that cybercriminals often bring down the entire system, temporarily closing a business which is another financial loss. Therefore, small organizations can’t win against these criminals. But they can do one thing – prevent a cyberattack.

How to protect your small business/h2>

How to protect your small business

All employees should be knowledgeable about cyber security practices. Considering you are running a small business, it is easier to organize yearly courses. They are the perfect opportunity to remind your employees about the tools that could help out and the importance of updating the software regularly.Furthermore, a course should also teach them what to do if they notice a cyberattack in progress. Memorizing who to contact, what to do, and where to find the backups can help tremendously during a crisis. So, create a cybersecurity plan and make sure all employees know about it.

Use a VPN

Firewalls and antivirus software are an absolute must for employees. But a VPN can be a valuable addition too. This software essentially encrypts the data you send or receive. Even if you use an unsecured Wi-Fi connection, a third party wouldn’t be able to get their hands on your information.An individual can use a VPN for Chrome or any other browser of their choice. Also, if you allow remote work, encourage your employees to always switch on VPN for Chrome. It should add an extra layer of safety. While home networks are generally pretty safe, they too can be hacked.

Safe Wi-Fi Network

When you get a router out of the box, set up a password as soon as possible. Don’t just use the default security. While it is okay to share your Wi-Fi network with visitors, customers, and guests, be smart about it.Hide the name of your Wi-Fi network and create a separate one. The second network should be for anyone who is not an employee. It is the safest way to keep people out of your main network and ensure there are no security breaches through Wi-Fi.

Beware of malware

Cybercriminals often send malware via emails, so you and your employees need to know how to recognize potentially dangerous messages in your inbox. Don’t know the sender? The email address looks suspicious? Is the grammar wrong? Don’t open any links or attachments received via these messages.One in every ninety-nine emails is a phishing attempt, which is alarmingly common. Humans make mistakes, and sometimes we click on unfamiliar links. But a single click can be fatal for a small business. So if you plan on attending a cybersecurity course, check if they also cover malware.


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