Announcing NYTechDay 2015!
Drag costumes, newborn kittens, free manicures, politicians, and lots of cool tech. No we are not talking the Las Vegas strip, we're talking NYTechDay! You might be thinking - is it even possible to top the last NYTechDay? The very spirited startup community set the bar mega high this past year: with 13,000 attendees, 415 startups, 15 TechDay Techie award winners, $20 billion worth of investment capital represented by Angels & VCs, major press and national news coverage, the Attorney General, The City Comptroller, tech in various domains and woah...a buzz of energy and excitement with a line out the door.
We're delighted to officially announce - NY TechDay 2015, Thursday April 23rd at Pier 92.
So...are you ready for NYTechDay 2015? Let us know what you've got in store. Registration is now open! See you in the Spring.