5 Ways to Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Social Media is one of the most powerful tools in the tech startup world. It allows you to gain a following and interact with people regularly. Companies are now able to ask their followers questions and gain valuable feedback about their product. Stage 32 and SkilledUp have managed to master the art of social media and use it to connect with the people involved in their company.


Richard Botto, CEO & Founder of Stage 32, says, "When we interact with others on social media we always try to keep everything very positive, and encourage forward thinking. There is no reason to be negative at all in my opinion. You learn so much in life from debate and social media allows you the opportunity to inspire the debate. As long as it's a healthy debate it's okay to have different views."  He stresses the importance of how instantaneous twitter is. Using Twitter to have a chat with a specific hashtag where people can send in questions has proved useful for Stage32.


"Recently we did a chat dedicated to screen writing. I advertised it on social media saying on this date and this time we are doing a chat. People asked me questions about everything.. the industry, or landing an agent or manager." This was beneficial for people in the business that want to chat with someone that is influential.


"We publish peoples success stories on our Pinterest. This way, people can go in and post ways they have used the site and find work to staff their films. It's an invaluable tool because it allows others to see how we can change their life."


Jordyn Lee of SkilledUp agrees that Twitter is the most useful social tool. "Social is really the only place where we can get in touch directly with our users. Our audience is prominently young adults, and since that's where they hang out, that's where we have to hang out too. Having a social presence creates a ton of value for us. People say they heard about SkilledUp through Twitter and Facebook, which is huge. When we go to events, we promote heavily on social - we get a lot of sign ups that way. Don't know where SkilledUp would be without a social presence!"


Have conversations with your followers. The great thing about social media is the accessibility without having to walk out your front door. "You are able to reach anybody at anytime which is incredibly important but thats only half the story. The other half is how you present and engage yourself. Look for quality over quality. People are not interested in gaining social importance or reliability as a business person or a human being on how they deliver the message."

Special thanks to Stage32 and SkilledUp.


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